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The "roll your own" culture is very popular in Europe and the United States. To better understand this "rolling" culture of yourself, we have to take a trip back in time and tell a little bit about the history of tobacco that is confused with the creation of cigarette paper. (Spain).


With the arrival of tobacco on the old continent, Spain, only aristocrats and members of the court used tobacco. They were big banana-shaped "cigars.".


It was a very expensive product and the "ordinary" citizen was not in a position to buy. As a solution, they took the "remains" of tobacco in the streets, poked and rolled up in a newspaper for smoking. (Seville - 16th century).


This is the embryo of the culture wrap yourself, out of necessity and lack of choice the Spanish people began to curl their own cigarette.


With the passage of time, was developed own paper to roll tobacco (white, to be hygienic), we then have the creation of cigarette paper.


Spain (Alcoy) met all the conditions to boost the production of cigarette paper. (Machinery technology, inherited from the Moors). We have kicked off the large-scale production of cigarette papers.


Thus, we have the beginning of the "roll your own" culture, very present in Europe (since the seventeenth century) and the United States (18th century).


This culture that started out of necessity today is an alternative to the tobacco market. You pick and wind your own tobacco. And the means of using tobacco is at the discretion of the consumer. In pipes, for many it is the most practical and economical method. The classic way of the handmade cigarette, the cigarette paper or the blunt, the tradition. And modern alternatives, vaporizers that according to recent research, "protects" the passive smoker from secondary smoke.


Wrap yourself is an opportunity to know what you are "smoking" and reduce the amounts used.


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