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Brazil is one of the largest consumers of pesticides in the world, which results in numerous problems, both for the health of consumers and rural workers as well as for the environment.

The indiscriminate use of agrochemicals has resulted in intoxications (varying degrees) of farmers and consumers, becoming a public health problem. To aggravate the situation, our country allows the use of banned pesticides in the United States, the European Union and Canada.

Therefore, we have a very serious problem in our hands. The presence of agrochemicals in large-scale monoculture systems (soybean, sugarcane, corn, coffee, citrus, rice and cotton) and less expressive crops per planted area (tobacco, strawberry, grape and strawberry) of agrochemicals, often excessively and without seeking alternatives to preserve the health of workers and land.

It is estimated that around 3 million serious pesticide poisonings occur, with 220,000 deaths per year in the world. Being that, 70% of these occurrences, happens in the called countries of the third world.

We still have another very important point. The conscious use of the earth. In addition to the dangers of the use of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc.) we have the chemical fertilizers that contaminate the soil, water (rivers, lakes and groundwater) and can make pests and diseases even more sensitive to plants.

Brazil is the largest exporter of leaf tobacco, concentrating most of the production in the southern region of the country. Their cultivation, for the most part, is done by families in small farms. (family farming).

Most of the pesticides used in tobacco cultivation are classified in toxicological classes I and II (mainly insecticides), that is, they are considered extremely and highly toxic respectively. They bring serious risks to everyone's health.


Recent studies indicate that soil contamination (chemical fertilizer) and the excessive use of pesticides are sources that cause different types of cancer.


We can say that the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals and chemical fertilizers kill. No one is protected. Consumer, producer and environment are harmed.


Planting tobacco without pesticides and using organic fertilizers is not a "luxury", in fact, it is a necessity for everyone and especially for the Earth that provides us with so many resources.


Agrotoxic kills the land, the producer and the consumer. Conscious choice is a starting point for changing our reality. Respecting the environment is our duty.


We preach patriotism as value. We contribute to the national market using 100% Brazilian raw materials and labor, believing in the potential of our country, investing and generating opportunities.



Skype: OrionDistribuidora

Rua Itambacuri, 353, Galpão 1º e 2º andar

Carlos Prates - BH / MG - Brazil

CEP: 30.710-480.


 © 2017 Orion Distribuidora - All rights reserved.

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