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The “roll your own” culture is very popular in Europe and the United States. To better understand this “culture” of rolling your own cigarette, we need to travel back in time and tell a little about the history of tobacco, which is intertwined with the creation of cigarette paper. (Spain)

When tobacco arrived in the old continent, Spain, only aristocrats and members of the court used tobacco. They were large “cigars” shaped like bananas.

It was a very expensive product and the “common” citizen could not afford to buy it. As a solution, they picked up the “leftover” tobacco on the streets, chopped it up and rolled it in newspaper to smoke. (Seville – 16th century).

This is the embryo of the roll-your-own culture. Out of necessity and lack of options, the Spanish people began to roll their own cigarettes.

Over time, special paper for rolling tobacco (white, to be hygienic) was developed, and so we have the creation of cigarette paper.

Spain (Alcoy) met all the conditions to boost the production of cigarette paper. (Machinery technology, inherited from the Moors). We have the initial kick-off of the large-scale production of cigarette papers.

Thus, we have the beginning of the “roll your own” culture, very present in Europe (since the 17th century) and the United States (18th century).

This culture, which began out of necessity, is today an alternative for the tobacco market. You choose and roll your own tobacco. And the way to use the tobacco is up to the consumer. For many, the pipe is the most practical and economical method. The classic way of smoking a homemade cigarette, with cigarette paper or blunt (tobacco leaves), is the tradition. And the modern alternatives, vaporizers that, according to recent research, “protect” the passive smoker from secondary smoke.

Rolling it yourself is an opportunity to know what you are “smoking” and reduce the quantities used.

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